Confident English Communication

Foto von Jana

Language Training (business) English

Hi, I'm Jana, your English coach and I'll help you speak English with confidence. Together we'll overcome your inhibitions to speak English and your fear of embarrassing yourself in front of customers, superiors and colleagues. After a few weeks, you'll feel confident with yourself and your English. 

VERY IMPORTANT: no vocabulary lists and boring grammar - we speak English with joy; about things that interest you and are relevant to you!

Would you like to finally master English challenges at work successfully?

Do you have to give a presentation, support English-speaking customers or have English-speaking colleagues or team members? Do you also need English more and more in your communication with customers, colleagues, superiors, partners or service providers?  

Every time you have to speak English you get sweaty palms, you get nervous, you stumble over your own words and in the end you are disappointed with your performance? Yet, you actually know English, at least have a good basic knowledge, you understand a lot or you have even taken part in an English course? But the real confidence just won't sink in?

In a collaboration with me, we practice what is relevant for you in a protected space, among ourselves. We focus on your individual challenges. My training sessions are interactive, practice-oriented, personal and, most importantly, at eye level.

 Chat with me on WhatsApp

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

How you can work with me

Love to Learn

5-Day Speak Express Challenge (Free of charge)

  • personal WhatsApp Challenge
  • Quick, effective and entertaining exercises every day via voice message

You will

  • overcome your inhibition to speak English
  • enjoy speaking English
  • receive individual feedback on your English
  • better be able to assess where you stand with your English

Click on the button below, text me "Challenge" with your name and you're ready to go! Let's get talking!

Start: possible at any time

Reading English Book

30-Day English Boost (47 EUR incl. VAT)


  • You have the confidence to just speak freely
  • you are more confident and speak more fluently - without much thinking or stuttering
  • your English will have improved - without you realizing it and with minimal effort
  • you get the taste that speaking English can be fun because you see progress
  • you will let go of your inner critic and fear of speaking, which will make your everyday working life easier and more relaxed
  • you will be able to chat away with your colleagues in the coffee kitchen or meeting


  • you receive short, effective and entertaining exercises via WhatsApp voice message on weekdays
  • you will find motivation and exchange in the WhatsApp group
  • the first 7 days in person only with me, then in the WhatsApp group with others, after you have overcome your first inhibition to speak and have gained confidence

If you are interested, click on the button below and send me a message with "Boost" and your name and I will get back to you.

Can't wait to talk to you!


English Mastery Club

Would you like to shine in your day-to-day work with your English?

With the English Mastery Club

  • you will be able to speak English fluently, confidently and naturally in the long term thanks to the regularity, which will make your everyday working life more relaxed and easier
  • you will have conversations in English as confidently as if they were in German
  • Improve your English in a fun, entertaining and practice-oriented way
  • you will be asked at work whether you can take on the English-speaking client (which will open up salary negotiation opportunities and further career opportunities for you)

What's in it: 

  • 2 English game nights per month (online) to speak English easily and effortlessly
  • 2 speaking practice calls per month (online) to give you even more confidence and fluency in speaking. You can submit questions and personal challenges
  • Short, effective and entertaining exercises 3 times a week via voice message. Because nothing is more important than having fun at work and having fun speaking English and, above all, achieving great results with minimal effort. It's so easy that you won't even notice how quickly your English improves and you speak more fluently and confidently
  • Cheat sheets / handouts with useful tips and tricks for your English (approx. once a month) so that you have templates for situations in your everyday working life on how to express yourself
  • Access to me via WhatsApp - Questions? Uncertainties? Difficult e-mail? Small or big English crisis? Mental breakdown before a presentation? No problem - I'm here for you and together we'll find solutions, clarity and the right answers so that you feel confident again and can master your challenge with confidence. 

Interested? Let's talk, click on the button and I'll get back to you!

Business English Boost - for companies

Do your employees regularly need English in their day-to-day work and need help to present themselves confidently in English-speaking meetings and customer appointments? Do your employees find it difficult to speak fluently, find the right words, avoid stuttering and simply have the necessary self-confidence to present themselves confidently and competently to customers, partners, service providers and colleagues? 

Confident English helps your employees to build strong and trusting relationships with customers and partners and at the same time it can increase your sales if your employees can confidently demonstrate their competence in customer meetings and thus sell and advise better. Support your employees and benefit from the results!

Let's talk - I can help one employee personally, an entire team (with similar challenges), online or in person, in regular calls or workshops. We'll look at what you and your employees need, what fits best into your day-to-day work and find the right solution!

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime
Picture of Jana

About me

Hey, I'm Jana! English is not just a language for me, it's a daily adventure. As a mom and wife of an American, our home becomes a language playground every day. Our kids are growing up bilingual and juggle both languages really well, even if there's a fair bit of Denglish gibberish going on at times. But this is just the beginning of my language journey.

The kick-off? New York City! When I moved to New York in 2012 after graduating with my school English, it was quite a demanding, yet extremely fascinating challenge. It started with communicating in English at the US embassy, with native speakers, through a small window to apply for my work visa. Man, they were hard to understand. Once in New York, it continued and apart from my main task at work - the detailed organization of events and coordinating the intricacies with service providers and clients in English - there were also challenges such as finding accommodation, leisure activities, organizing life, dealing with the authorities, etc. I have to admit, was it difficult at times? Of course! But did I enjoy it? Big time! 

After three years in event management, I switched to Lufthansa in New York and was an account manager for corporate clients and travel agencies in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. That sounds really cool? It was! BUT - was it easy? No, because I couldn't just change my job, I was tied to the company with my work visa, which meant I had to get a new work visa and reapply at the embassy in Frankfurt. It was quite nerve-wracking that my future was once again in the hands of the staff at the embassy. Fortunately, after a few hiccups, things went well and I was able to get started at Lufthansa. There were new challenges to face again, suddenly it wasn't just communicating with customers, partners, colleagues and superiors, but also representing the Lufthansa Group in my area in front of numerous native speakers at events. Was I nervous? Of course I was! But at the same time it was just so much fun! 

After five years in the Big Apple, I moved back home in 2017, with my American husband, who fortunately moved to Germany with me. But my English fun never stops! As Global & Key Account Coordinator at Lufthansa AirPlus, I now juggle the wishes and needs of major international customers and our family language is still English, even though my husband speaks fluent German, as our children are growing up bilingual. 

And now? Now I'm here to share my enthusiasm and experience with you as your personal English language coach or language trainer! Not up for dry vocabulary and boring grammar? I understand. Let's have fun with the language and find a way for you to not only learn effectively, but to enjoy speaking at the same time. Together we'll make your learning adventure personal, entertaining and successful. Ready to talk, learn, and have a blast? Let's do it!!!

Business English Boost

by Jana Federico

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